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Texture artist for animated soccer crowd texture for soccer Source mod

Our Source mod, International Online Soccer: Source (www.iosoccer.co.uk), is currently seeking a texture artist to help create a new set of crowd textures for us. Our currently textures are fairly dated and somewhat cartoon-like. We're looking for something much more in the vein of Fifa (http://www.fifa13.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/FIFA092008-11-1610-07-20-18-1.jpg). The crowd texture would be animated, and customisable (we have no issue in making customisation, as long as we are able to have a copy of the original work. If you think you help us, please drop me an e-mail on [EMAIL="thinge@iosmod.co.uk."]thinge@iosmod.co.uk.[/EMAIL] We're progressing very well at the moment, so if you're interested in getting your work seen then we're very much a mod that can help with that, as the release of version 2 is guaranteed.

Any help is hugely appreciated. Please get in touch if you think you can help.
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