can i get some help here plz?:(
after 2 days of trying i got better result but still not perfect:poly122:, i have giving to undersatnd that to keep my hard edges i need to split the uvs where they meet,so thats what i did and definitely i got better result but still have some artifact whith fine details, as you can notice the small details added on the hard edges.
i'm stuck here plz help
In xNormal, for your low-poly settings, I always change it from 0.5 , 0.5 to 10 and 10. Not sure if that will make a difference for you, as it could be a ton of other things, but give it a try.
It should, but you've got hard edges where you don't need any. As for the shitty bake, I'm pretty sure it's because your cage is wrong - did you give it some global extrusion by editing the cage in xN's viewport? You should have use cage ticked and Use Exported Normals selected on the lowpoly in xN.
I think you're not understanding why you need hard edges and where, and why you should put the UV seam where your hard edges are. Like I said in the other thread, read up on how vertices split and what this means.
For the pillar body, the most optimal setup will be to have the sides joined, meaning you will have 1 seam and therefor 1 hard edge. The other edges will be smooth. If you look back at my pillar bake you should be able to see how I've set it up.
As you can see in this pic, everywhere I have a UV boundary, that edge is hard. Everything else is smooth.
as for the cage in Xnrml in 3d viewer i checked it and tweak it a bit, but think it looked fine
as for the hard edge i read that when you have hard edge you need splited uvs (old method) or you can put thepillar body in 1 smoothing group (thats what i prefer) but thatn i get the gradient color in the nrml map as in the model to fix that you need to add more edge but in your model i see it worked well without adding segments.
anyway ill try your methoud and ill let you know
im wondering what made thats artifacts (pointed in red) and why the model in marmoset looks weird i checked the trirangulation it looks fine
what i did is like bek said the body with 1 seams and 2 smothing grp
i dont know if chamfering the egde is a good idead ill end up with more vertex count
i know in 3dsmax there is a way to fix that bleeding between the base and the body with material ID, is there a way in Xnormal to fix it?