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Sword UV creation

polycounter lvl 11
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thegreyman1 polycounter lvl 11
Hello everyone. Not sure if this is in the right section but anyway...

Just creating a Katana for a client (my first ever sword) and I've hit a problem with the UVs. As you can imagine the huge blade is taking up a lot of UV space and if I keep everything else to scale then theres a lot of wasted space. A lot.....

So what do I do? Or more precisely what have any of you done before? Do you use a non-square UV map? ie 1024x256 etc (the game is in Unity so waiting for him to find out if that will do). Do you chop the blade UVs in half? this still wouldn't work too well in my view. Or do you put the sword in diagonally? Still has wasted space though...

Any help would be appreciated here :)



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