Ghellooo people, basically i am doing a fighting stage for one of my modules at university and looking for some feedback on my progress, this is a fighting stage that would be seen in soul calibur, kind of a reinvention of kratos stage /mount Olympus. any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you

An EPIC background is needed to make your scene more valuable...some fantasy mountains covering up this big empty place. I would also get rid of that kind of rocks you're using around the just not the right type of rocks you need for that scene. Go rather with sharp edged rocks that looks more fantastic than realistic...just like in God Of War.
Your lighting setup is ok...but it looks like you have not tweak anything in lighting settings. You should also go with a fix custom sky with big clouds in it with highly detailed forms with a sepia tone have a 300 movie like style.
Your marble effect need some reflective material on it and to me..there is not enough information coming fomr the marble texture, try to tweak it or find another one.
Adding some blood splatter in some spot could be an interesting way to give a more sadistic feel to the scene. And work more on your spec maps to see them popping more.
I'm not a pro at all but maybe my thoughts will give you a boost. keep it up
Specifically I think the sand feels too hard. If the sand were a little more irregular around the walls it would give the feeling of something less flat as a whole. I think the texture is probably a little too plain as well.
I'm not sure that there would be these large fire bowl in front of the crowd seating, it seems like they would get in the way of viewing the match at hand. There would probably have been some kind of a railing up there but check your ref.
Also, the large orange bird emboss on the rock noise isn't doing it for me as a center piece for this arena. I don't think they would have had the two combatants fight on rock so maybe you could do something fancy surrounding the platform. It's up to you.
It didn't look to me like you were going for an overly fantasy look like dj had mentioned. But if you are I would go crazy and push it everywhere in terms of the artistry that goes into all of the architecture. I think you should find some imagery that explains exactly where you are going with this piece, highlight which parts of the photos/concepts you are trying to capture and then our feedback can be much more streamlined. All the Best.
I mean, you'd think getting the seats right wouldn't be too hard, but even they have issues.