Given that in the last couple of months I've pretty much replaced all the arts on my folio, I thought it was time for a new thread!
The website can be found here:
And here is some of the stuff I'm most proud of:

Its almost leaning towards a TF2-ish direction.
but then when you look at the surrounding environment that all goes to shit. You have a very detail intensive floor, which is quite grainy with all the grass, the tree textures are extremely grainy as well.
I guess what im saying is that your props dont really fit in your environment, or rather that your environment doesnt complement the props as well as it should. You could try experimenting with some hand-painted vegetation textures, and replacing the grainy grass with something a tad more cartoony, just basically bigger blades and less of them.. For the wall texture maybe remove the high density rock patter (or at least make it less intensive) and focus more on the moss.
Its a great opportunity to figure out some cool ways to integrate hand painted textures with photo-referenced textures.
As for the metro scene, I dont have much to comment on except to remove the close up shot of the train (this one) because that thing looks horrible (no offence).. it works fine when its far away in the background
It just doesnt look like you put as much effort on the train as you should have for such a close up shot.
the Renault tank looks nice, loving the dirt on it.. the only thing i can crit on is that the tracks vary in length lol. the track pieces are shorter on the straight bit and longer when it curves around the wheels.
On to the Beaufighter: your specular is very lacking. Either you didnt set up your scene lights well enough or you need to seriously look at that specular/gloss map again. All in all the textures on that plane look little more than just a basic first color pass overlayed with baked maps. You need add some pizazz to it!
Cheers Olli for the crits!
For Tanks, I originally played around with having less detailed and visually noisy environments, but I found that the tanks themselves blended in too much, and were therefore less distinctive. The large bright coloured shapes make them a lot easier to recognize ingame (when things start getting hectic it's really handy being able to aim for the bright red rectangle for example).
Will definitely look into retexturing that subway train, shouldn't take long to make it look better than it currently does
On the Renault, I assure you that the tracks are all the same length, it seems that perspective has just buggered it up in my marmoset grabs! Looking at it the ones at the back are slightly off, but it's only by a very tiny amount (a couple of cm maybe), will add it to my "look into it" list
I've just redone the beaufighter textures quite a bit, with a combination of dDo and handpainted grunge, and also reworked the spec map, so hopefully it's a bit better now!
The texturing on the plane is awesome, really believable metal, and the camo is nicely spaced.
On the Tanks Crymono screenie, I think there should be more worn down grass closer to the path, the transition is a bit too sudden to me, espesh if there are tanks rolling over it!