This will be an Old Abandoned Gas Station. with a Diffuse, Spec and Normal map + AO.
The texture size is a 1k
The pumps already dissapeared.
This Station can only have 400 ~ 500 polys.
so I tried to give it as much detail as possible. (Normal map will do the rest).:)
Critique welcome:)
This is Diffuse only! (still WIP)
Will add spec and normal thursday and friday
If u guys have any further suggestions on the Diffuse pls. let me know.:)
Now i'm gonna start with the Spec and perhaps the Normal.
It has 449 Polys, Diffuse, Spec, Normal and AO map.
I'm probably still gonna tweak it though. We will see
critique welcome
You should invest more time before prensenting your stuff as final shot. For now your normal map is missing because you do not have any light that cast proper shadows. Yes you have an AO map but you do not have a real AO from photons in this very it turns out flat and lifeless.
So I would strongly recommend you to use a realtime engine such as Marmoset Toolbag or rather go in a game engine such as Cryengine and UDK for instance...considering your model is game oriented it could be nice to see this mesh in an environnement.
Because the presentation is empty, we cannot critics the real final result, because there is no lighting that make it looking better.
That is a nice piece after all, maybe a 2048 texture resolution or a better 1024 tilable texture would be more appropriate. Overall nice work but keep in mind your final presentation if you personnaly think its done.
Stiil a noob at UDK though.
critique welcome