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[Dota 2] - Lina - Zarra

polycounter lvl 7
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L0N3Y polycounter lvl 7
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I'm going to complement my CM set by doing a set for Lina.

It is going to be based on what I feel as a Sari/Gypse/Egyptian theme
I started getting ideas by googleing women's shawls and scarves.

I'll add a detailed and my coloured silhouette soon.



  • L0N3Y
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    L0N3Y polycounter lvl 7
    Uploaded my coloured silhouette
    Started working on the shoulder shawl first. Got it in-game and most of the skinning is corrected.


  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    nice start man

    good to see that the extra time is bringing new projects =]
  • L0N3Y
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    L0N3Y polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Tvidotto.

    The shoulder shawl needs some more skin tweaking (in the portrait shot the area across the chest clips)

    Got a hair piece to show in-game. Need to reskin and adjust around the back (it is supposed to taper to a point just before the belt [as you can see it clips from the shoulders down]) and ears (so it doesn't show the earings through it).

  • L0N3Y
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    L0N3Y polycounter lvl 7
    Created the skirt piece and corrected a majority of the skinning issues with the 3 current items.

    Still need the create the last bracer piece and then on to texturing



  • L0N3Y
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    L0N3Y polycounter lvl 7
    Considering altering/changing/removing the cloth dangling bracer idea depending on difficulty to make it look good (without adding bones) and/or time

    Currently texturing the hair then onto the skirt

    In-game screenshots of the textured shawl


  • L0N3Y
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    L0N3Y polycounter lvl 7
  • L0N3Y
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    L0N3Y polycounter lvl 7
    Nearing completion. Still need to consider bracers

    Here is a terrible photoshop of what the 3 separate items of what it should look like in-game

  • L0N3Y
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    L0N3Y polycounter lvl 7
    I've done a couple quick tests to see how the bracers/cloth dangly thingy idea would work. If I make it smaller than I would like it shouldn't be too distracting as it looks like it is a wing off the arm rather then cloth. Of course it would be perfectly fixed with an extra animated or jiggle bone on the elbow which I don't know how to do as well as reading it's tonnes of effort for valve.
    I am going to try binding the cloth to one of the animated hair or belt bones to see if it can simulate flowing cloth nicely.
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