Vanished... Demo Development Thread
Here we will be dumping our progress for the "Vanished..." demo.
*Genre: Live Actor Mystery Adventure Throwback
*Perspective: First Person Point and Click
*Engine: Unity
*Deadline: December 12, 2012
Vanished... has the feel of a 90's throw back, you're a detective and it's up to you to solve the case. We are working to merge the best aspects of mystery point-and-click adventures with next gen flair.
Follow our progress and tell us what you think as we develop the very first demo for the Vanished... series of games. The scope of the demo will be limited to a single room showing one example of the sleuthing skills you will need to conquer the entire campus.
Please help us make this demo the best it can be, any comments, critiques, opinions and ideas are welcome and will be carefully considered.
*Right Click now toggles freelook/interaction mode
*Game pause function
*Very basic object interaction
*Numpad + and - change cursor size
*Very basic draggable objects
*Very basic item highlighting
*Gui Left & Right Arrows
*Gui Options button
*Gui Icon panes
*Gui Base Layer
*Custom Cursor & click change
*First person view and movement established
This project was inherited after a long struggle and we are trying to inject life back into it because we believe it could be a highly entertaining genre to recreate. As such there are already some very rough resources created.
We have a two man team working on this project so while I get started on the interface and the coding, Timtendo is working on bringing the assets up to scratch.
VERY ROUGH progress on the GUI:
*Added FocusOnObject Function
*Added Lightswitch Function
*Added Item behavior scalability
*Mag glass upgrade
*Mag Glass animations
*Mag glass zoom funtion
*Basic Item functions
*Better dragging
*Toolbar Button toggling
*Hover Glow script replaces materials on object hover
*Left CLick Now Picks Up items OR interacts
*Right Click Now Drops item
*Basic Inventory Pickup/Drop System
*Tab now toggles freelook/interaction mode
So here we are at version 0.0.2 of the demo. I am still zealously pounding away at the programming while Timtendo continues to promise that he will show up with some lovely assets any time now
We encourage you to test out the very buggy progress via web browser if you have the unity web player installed:
Play the web build:
Here is another screenshot displaying our humble progress on this project:
*Fixed an inventory collision bug
*Added Item Sound Function
*Added Button Sound Function
*Added Basic Bg Music
*Added basic Mouse Scroll Item Switching
*Added in game Escape menu
*Keys 1-6 select toolbar items
*slightly improved controls
*Implemented fade in and fade out camera effects
*Implemented Basic Main Menu Scene
Created Assets
*Keyboard, Mouse, Desk, Office, Flashlight, Banana Holster.
Play the current web build:
We are making good progress! Soon we will begin implementing puzzle elements and a heap of visual interest in order to flesh out the atmosphere of the demo.
Version - 0.0.3 snapshot
*Added demo completion function
*Drawers Open
*Clues are dragg / droppable in notebook
*Clues convert to letters as per "clue value"
*Clues collect to notebook
*Added Clues
*Camera Focus Script Works properly
*Basic Puzzle Dialogue Box
*Basic Dialogue Boxes
*Improved lighting
*Flashlight Toggles On Click
*Office Asset Upgrade
*Added Notebook
*Added Menu Font
*Added sound effects volume control
*Added music volume control
*Removed Smoke effect from intro scene
*Magnifying Glass Now toggles zooming
We are working very hard to meet our deadline! This update is a bit more hefty than the others. As always, crits and comments are quite welcome.
We are very close to completing the programming and can focus harder on assets and puzzles now.
Play the (nightly)web build: