A while ago (years ago actually) I made this little app that let you take screenshots and add text to it in a fairly easy manner. It would also export an html with the images and text correctly formatted. I found myself needing the tool lately but unfortunately it didn't run as well as I wanted it. So I decided to rewrite it.
So here is the new version with the bare minimums( but enough for me personally) features. I'll be adding a lot more as I find time to do so.
DOWNLOADI'm using ClickOnce Deploy so each time you run it, it will check for updates and apply them if there is one. If this behaviour is bothering you guys, let me know.Usage:
Press CTRL + PrintScreen to make a screenshot.
This will bring up a cropper tool to select a part of your screen. When you have a selection, press ENTER and it will bring up the text input. Type in your text and click Ok.
That's it. Repeat that for every step of the tutorial and generate the HTML when you're done.
I have a list of basic features I still need to add (saving and loading projects, re-arranging the steps using the thumbnails, editing text afterwards, changing the default hotkey, making the main app hide and only show the tray icon etc etc)
But I'm also interested in some automatic uploading of the generated files. For example, it could make it into a WordPress post, or even better, add it to the polycount wiki perhaps? Anyways, please let me know if you have any issues and I hope someone can find a use for this.
If not, no worries. It's still fantastic!
I'll build you an offline version tonight or tomorrow