I know you have probably seen it a million times, but here it is again- the m4A1. To be honest i was actually scared to model this weapon, but one day my chemistry teacher said "Most people just give up if it looks hard", and I was like "THATS IT! I am modeling this gun :P"
Here are some shots

I also took some liberties on some parts :P adn I do know that some of the edges are way to hard, imma fix that of course.
Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks, Yeah kinda scratched,worn... dirt all over it. That kinda stuff :P
Now cut the bullshit and add character to this piece and make it your own so its not something we've all "seen a million times" and turn it in to, "Have you seen the M4A1 that CyberGameArts made? So sick."
Who's using this gun? Where are they using it? What impact does that have on the visuals of the gun?
Create the low poly, bake it, texture it, light it, then present it like you're a creative individual and not someone who understands highpoly modeling and can copy reference material well.
Well said sir! and yes I had planned to do exactly that :P
Anyways would love to get some feedback
Definitely think making it like a brink gun would be cool i would like to do a similar project someday soon
Thanks alot for the feedback. I think i will make a clean and then a "Brink" type version.
Again thanks
Hence the blue....
Hey i dont quit understand what you mean by "is it baked into the Low poly"(Sorry noob here)
The triangle count(this includes the attachments) is around 8k(I defeanlty could have done more optimization, but i was to lazy :P )
I will show the diffuse and the other stuff once it is somwhat finished since I sitll wasnt to go back and fix some problem areas and rebake a couple of parts.