Hey There,
I have been wanting to rekindle my love of my old favourite icons from my youth so though I would have a stab at the weapons from TMNT as a little personal project. Nothing too serious, just for fun.
Not entirely sure what style I was going for to be sure, kind of a cartoon like theme but with a large helping of chunky detail using more realistic material definition - so yeah, not sure really

Fancied getting some outside feedback for once, getting sick of my mates :poly136: lolz
Let me know what you guys think, had a few real life barriers last few weeks getting in the way of my hide in a room on my own time, so still yet to do the nunchuks. hopefully get something up this week.
I have tried to fit in some wip and as much insight to be picked at as I can, where I have remembered to take a screen grab.
**Sorry attached images properly.**

Overall the beauty shots of the weapons are looking pretty nice. Some tweaks here and there should turn them into something really nice. I'll try and give you a little feedback below on each weapon:
Leonardo's Sword:
- Overall I think this is the best asset of the bunch, it has quite nice material definition and texture layout.
- Is the image on the left of the board (excluding the beauty shot) a WIP shot? I notice its missing the same details as the other images, I'd probably remove this or add an explaination
- I know I've told you about this before but I still have an issue with the groove marks, it looks a little bit too much like a teeth impression
- Theres still the normal map error on the bottom of the handle
- Parts of your spec map are a little unusual, mainly the bits mapped to the handles. They look very photo sourced and you've left in a little too much lighting information in the photo which is creating a gradient.
Donatellos Bo
- Again the beauty render looks pretty nice
- IMO I'm not a massive fan of how it tapers outwards but I guess thats personal preferences
- I'd concentrate on some more texture details in the bandages, think about everything that might be on it such as sweat, blood, dirt and consider how the bandages would soak it all up, making its almost impossible to clean. The sweat would deffo miscolour it, so I'd give it some yellowish tones
- I would have also used up the remaining texture space, the padding around the outside is quite considerable. Its almost worth straightening up your UV's abit to maximise the use
Raphael's Sai
- Again the beauty render looks nice and this asset probably has the nicest wire frame out of the bunch.
- I think the metal is a little flat / boring, maybe getting some subtle colours such as blues and greens in there will help, same for the other weapons too. I generally do quite a colourful layer in photoshop and then overlay it at really low opacity (3% -10%)
- The leather wraps look a little strange, their wrapped around the handle but also have a vertical pattern to them that seems to line up perfectly.
Overall good stuff dude, can't wait to see how you progress with these. Almost there
I will most likely get on with the next of the weapons next but then will go back over these for sure, Nice to see you noticing some things I also considered but mainly plenty I never even thought to consider which is the best feedback indeed.
Thanks again dude!
Finally had a chance to do some more work on these - still short of a set of nunchuks but all in good time. Made some "improvements" on the sword for starters.
Worked out of the normal map I suppose to take away some artefacts that were not welcome really.
Spec has been levelled a bit more and most of the shading removed.
Diffuse added some elements from some of the specular details and desaturated a little. not sure if it's looking too "Next Gen" now but wanted a more gritty look to it.
I have been playing with the smoothing groups but want to fiddle more before I re-import it into UDK.
Anyway enough babble - comment away please!
New Textures;
New in UDK and in Max shots
Not sure I really like where I'm going with the feedback so far. managed to get a bit carried away with the presentation board too. just experimenting.
Think I may revisit this one again. I am also going to add these into cry engine for a comparison once completed.
UDK update pf bo;
New textures;
let me know what you guys think!
- In the beauty shot you seem to be getting too much specular information in the cracks of the wood, almost giving it a clay like appearence, I'd expect there to be almost no visible detail in the cracks
- The bandages are falling a little flat i.e not enough height variation between each different layer of bandage
- Also I think some yellowish sweat stains on the bandages will help sell the story of the asset:
- Not sure how I feel about the UDK lighting, the post alters the appearance of the model a lot. I think I'd quite like to see your own lighting set up.
- I'd also be tempted to sharpen up your texture a bit, particularly the wood.
I will take this back to it. I think you have just clarified what I was thinking. Just needed someone else to see through it for me haha.
I strongly agree with the lighting on a second viewing. I think your right.
And yes I agree on the contrast and lighting. Don't know what I was thinking looking at it now haha. Need to stop being lazy and using the standard UDK scenes.
All good feedback guys. Thanks a lot! :d
Live and learn. Thanks for the crit!
Thanks, the extra detail is due to using a Normal Map. A Diffuse map is the colour information and a Specular Map describes the materials showing how light interacts with it usually along with a Normal Map and sometimes a Gloss Map. Using the basic 3 gets you your colours, form/extra details and then any reflections, scratches etc. using diffuse, normal and specular maps respectively. you should check out the tutorials on the banner http://www.3dmotive.com/?follow=true
Im sure many other people could likely elaborate better. Hope that helps.
Please take a look and let me know what you think. Not too much change unfortunately.