Hey folks! I'm going to apply for a junior position at TT Games as a character artist and I wanted to make a Lego version of a character before I apply to increase my chances haha
Thus I have decided (after playing it a lot recently) That I would make a Lego version of the star of the classic PS1 game Medievil, Sir Daniel Fortesque.
Here are some images encase you have not played the game (you should, it's awesome :P)

And now here is what i have so far untextured:

One thing I am concerned about is the fact that all together, he is 2764 tris and I'm wondering if that is too much? I could easily reduce it by removing all the bevels but at the same time I know that most characters for games are at least like 6k tris.
Also don't worry I'm adding loops to the arms now to help with deformation.
Soon I will start the texturing and create a Lego Dan :P
Thank you for having a look.
Model looks good so far, only the shield looks like it has a smoothing error. Like the concept, watching this thread!
Like So
also seems like the neck it too long. you might think of putting the sleeves into the texture too instead of modeling them.
Not to rain on your parade though but if you're going to apply for a position at Telltale, especially as a character artist, I would recommend making something more in line with the games they create. Or at the very least a more humanoid character as opposed to something that is lego bricks. If you just want to make this by all means go ahead, but this is not something that shows off the skills of a character modeler to me at least.
I also agree with Praetus saying that you're not really showing off your skills as a character artist. Maybe consider doing a next gen version of him or something.
But honestly before reading on of the comments I was properly excited about seeing a lego version of him xD. I remember playing this shit on the PS1 demo disc you got with the console, nostalgia.
Also Praetus, I meant Travellers Tales who make games like Lego Star Wars and Lego Lord of the Rings, but I can see where you where mistaken haha