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SC2 Ghost fan-art

iHey guys.
I did this Ghost close to a year ago now just for the fun of hand painting textures. Not showing wireframes because the model isn't good, just something I banged out to have something to paint on.
I hope you guys like it. Critiques of course are very welcome. :)

512 color for character, 256 for the gun. Model's around 4k.





  • Broadway
    Offline / Send Message
    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    Very nice! Really crisp texture. Man I was so pumped when they announced this game back in the day.

    Some stuff I think you could do to take it further:

    1. Get some color in the body, maybe a little bit of blue. Also maybe do a slight yellowish overlay on her head and torso?

    2. Get a 'contrast gradient', so to speak, going on vertically. I.e, highest contrast in the head and torso with lower contrast down in the waist/leg area. And really push the highlights on her chest/shoulders/head.

    3. Paint in some cast light from the LEDs (or whatever they are) onto other armor surfaces. For example, have a bluish area on the underside of her boobs from light cast by the LED on her sternum.
  • PaulP
    Offline / Send Message
    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah I think the most important thing is to get some colour into everything in your diffuse, even if its just really subtle. Otherwise this looks like a black and white image with a head a glow. For the solid armour, consider a colour overlay that compliments the blue glow.

    But otherwise nice work!
  • Web3d
    Hey, thanks guys. You're totally right about the color gradation. I had it in their at one point, I wonder why I took it out... :/
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