Cyberturkeys have landed and are pointing laser (wings?) at us. Bastards. Their demands are simple - offer up discount goodies and nobody gets hurt! Just use offer code turkeybacon for 35% off anything around the site - downloads or new signups!
Already signed up for a Free Account, or have an existing subscription and want in on the discount? Just email us at and say "Gimme the goods!" and we'll flag your account with the discount. This offer is good even if you are an existing member and want it to go towards your next renewal!
Just make us a promise - Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell the Game and Wildlife Commission!
Just in time for our CyberTurkey sale, we've just added the last volume of the Maya Beginner's course, as well as the option for digital download!
Also, we're kicking the sale up a notch by introducing the first of our Bundle Packs! You can score some killer discounts right now with these packs, and don't forget to use the ongoing turkeybacon code for even more discounts!
And lastly, if you hadn't heard the news, we just kicked off our YouTube channel this week where we hope to turn out weekly tips and tricks delivered right to your brain! This week Cordell Felix shows us why you should immediately add Swift Loop to your arsenal of tricks!
All our downloads are available via PayPal, and we do offer a manual PayPpal option for streaming. Our site is currently undergoing a big overhaul and adding Paypal to the streaming as a "standard" option is definitely one of the things we want to add.
You can read more about our manual PayPal option for streaming here!
Just in time for our CyberTurkey sale, we've just added the last volume of the Maya Beginner's course, as well as the option for digital download!
Also, we're kicking the sale up a notch by introducing the first of our Bundle Packs! You can score some killer discounts right now with these packs, and don't forget to use the ongoing turkeybacon code for even more discounts!
And lastly, if you hadn't heard the news, we just kicked off our YouTube channel this week where we hope to turn out weekly tips and tricks delivered right to your brain! This week Cordell Felix shows us why you should immediately add Swift Loop to your arsenal of tricks!
Have a good weekend friends!
All our downloads are available via PayPal, and we do offer a manual PayPpal option for streaming. Our site is currently undergoing a big overhaul and adding Paypal to the streaming as a "standard" option is definitely one of the things we want to add.
You can read more about our manual PayPal option for streaming here!