Hey guys, beginning my final year project for university. Please critique - I want to step up now.
Not much to show, but a practical question:
Should I split the shells on their hard edges and treat it as a hard surface object, at the cost of a less congruous unwrap? Or should I stitch together and deal with the horrible bleeding normals? Chamfering would just eat up the polys!
I'm leaning toward the former, talking mostly about the wooden boards.
Cheers fellows and fellowreenas!
Might be switching to an interior environment instead, concept from the Witcher2 (awessssommmme)
Crit me up scotty!
I'm at Teesside in the UK, are you studying currently?
more soon
This looks awesome, I'm not sure how possible it is, but perhaps you can try working in ambient occlusion or a height map in to
distorting the flow. I feel like water should be collecting in the cracks and seams of the bricks.
@Dan, cool man Deepak knows his way around UDK eh! What sort of game are you working on?
@Taylor, yeah it's quite basic as it stands isn't it? Anything's possible with the material editor man! I'll keep your suggestions in mind, it could be as simple as painting on some mossy or damp areas. I won't be using the shader in this scene but probably will be for others, so I'll bear it in mind. Cheers for the feed back!
@dudealan, thanks for the suggestions!