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Making Terrain for Unity

Hi all, first official post here!

Anyways, I'm not to impressed by the terrain editor in Unity. I like to have full control of my environment. Currently I'm working on a project for school in which the setting is medieval/European/mountain/forest. Some of the scenes in our game are set in the forest/mountains and I want a very organic feel. I'm a huge noob to all of this so I'm not sure on how to proceed.

I found this [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0o3bqoM0Qg"]tutorial[/ame]which is a bit much for the Unity engine, but is the workflow something I should pay attention to? Should I just stick with the terrain editor in Unity? I haven't poked around in it too much so maybe my initial impressions were wrong.

If you have a completely different workflow/method please feel free to share it. I'm open to all ideas.


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