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Sci-fi Monitor Prop W.I.P

Hey guys, 1st real crack at a environmental piece that i started a day or 2 ago. Here's the block out of the low poly



if i could get some critques on this piece it would really mean alot.

Here is the Concept design if you guy's want to see


Edit: Forgot to upload front pics



  • TheRealFroman
    Offline / Send Message
    TheRealFroman polycounter lvl 11
    pretty cool looking piece man. Although 3500 polys for a small static mesh like this in a current gen environment would probably be way too much for a low poly version. Try to bake those nice details onto a version with say like, 500 - 750 or so tris and you'll be good. Or just delete unnecessary edge loops, etc. Also, on the front side where the computer screens are, you have the back geometry messing with the faces in the front. Which is why you can see those x-shaped lines seeping through in the final render :P Just bring out the faces on the front there some more and it'll be fine.. It'll probably look messed up if you exported it to UDK like that. but yeah nice design ^^
  • Fwap
    Offline / Send Message
    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    This is more of a design crit;
    I cant really see the other side so i might be wrong but i can't see any mechanism that drives the position of the monitor, like a piston or something.

    Also rending in max with a black background is a no no, try out Xoliulshaderand just grab the viewport with a screen capture
  • Tw1tch
    THANK YOU! i Really apprecite the crits guys. i really need it. @ Fwap I will definately do this. Thank you again guys.
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