Hi, So I started making a skateboard today just for a bit of fun. Decided I need to start posting my work up here more to try and get some feedback on my models while there being created. Its a pretty simple model but Im hoping I can make it into a nice final piece.
Anyway worked on the high poly tonight and this is where I am so far, All modelling was done in maya and the renders are from Zbrush.
Going to add in the zbrush details next but wanted to get some feedback before I jump into all that.

Cheers for checking this out,
Any crits would be great.
The thing that stands out to me is the scale of the bolts. The "kingpin" bolt, which connects the hangar to the baseplate, looks to be smaller in diameter than the mounting hardware and wheel bolts. On real boards that I have seen, the mounting hardware is the smallest diameter, followed by the wheels, and then the kingpin is the fattest of the fasteners.
Might go back and tone back the damage on the grip tape but I will see how it looks on the low poly then decide as its easy enough to change.
Take a look at this example:
Also, the noise on the wheels could be tightened up a bit. More hatchmarks than random noise perhaps.
Not the best photo but this is how they should look
At the moment the model comes in at 3448 tri's could chop it down but as this model is just for messing around really done see the need to right now.
Crits always welcome
Spec on the metal looks okay, but as switz says, the scratches don't work exactly, needs to be in the specular more than the diffuse really, to show the sheen of where its the metal has been torn up.
Also, 3k+ tris for this is way over what you need, you could achieve that exact look with far fewer polys, and realistically, you should be well under 1k...
Looks really really nice though, great work on the wear and tear.
Here are some things I can suggest that you might want to consider:
The wheels, currently the bumps look a little strong, may want to tone them down a little, here's an image of some wheels that are pretty used like yours that might help:
The mesh, you mentioned you're not so bothered about optimizing it, so I might suggest in fact just adding a few extra edges to the nose and tail, to capture that round silhouette of the high poly a little better, in the grey shaded shots particularly, the jaggys are a bit too apparent...considering you've quite a lot of poly distributed in the trucks to capture their shape, it seems a shame not to add a few extra into the board.
The deck graphics, I like enjoi boards, I was always more of a habitat kinda guy (if you're an ex skater?) but hopefully when you get round to polishing the spec maps it'd be nice to see that glossy paint contrast against the scratched wood, really separate those materials by having one noticeably more shiny than the other. It might also be cool to throw on a few scratched up stickers or something just for a little extra visual interest against the green.
Just my two cents anyhow, looking good, will be nice to see this finished
Updates might be a little slow tomorrow as I have a new Hard Disk coming so will be doing a full system reboot
The spec map is VERY basic at the moment and will be getting a lot more detail added to it to really make the materials stand out.
Not 100% set on the Enjoi deck at the moment just needed something on the deck to work on the scratches so that might change for something else later on. Nice idea with the stickers going to have to give that a shot! Cheers
Now make a skatepark environment to go with it! :-D