Hi . My name is Ehsan Ebrahimzadeh .
This is my high poly model for our FPS game called Men Of Freedom : Tangestan . It's not done 100 %.
Just some Screen Grabs from 3dsmax .
I modeled some parts in Zbrush and most parts in 3dsmax.
Any suggestion before I start Low poly ?

Will check the edges .
Here is the textured model .
2k Diffuse / Spec / Normal and polycount is 3748
I will use Marmoset for my final renders but before that plz help me with your comments and suggestions about the texture and also model .
SaferDan I will polish the diffuse . also spec need some work .
about the colors I have to say according to the location of the object in our game we decided this greenish color . but again I will try to add some variation .