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[CE3] Arenanet house .... yuuup, another one

polycounter lvl 5
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RuthK polycounter lvl 5
Hey Polycount!

First time poster here! Apologizing beforehand because ye gods, it's that Arenanet internship house. The environment art internship got cancelled but I finished the piece so I can have something in my portfolio. Overall it's been a great learning experience - I'm much more comfortable using Cryengine now.

I tried to get cubemap reflections in the windows through one of the tutorials on the crydev wiki, but couldn't get it to work. :T

The house is under 3000 tris, but I went beyond the 2048x1024 texture limitation because that is the joy of this no longer being an art test.

Textures are mostly diffuse and normals, with spec for rocks, wood, windows and doors.

Feedback and comments greatly appreciated!



  • e-freak
    asset looks great - the trees are a bit orange. but yeah - great modeling. I like how you broke the sillouetthe with those small cards.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    oh baby! I love it i love what you did with the base rocks i think it gives it awesome character. Great job.
  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    Hi Ruth, I've never worked as an environment artist professionally, and there may be plenty of others who disagree with me, so take my comments with a grain of salt. That being said I think you did a pretty decent job overall. My big gripe is that it's somewhat difficult to differentiate the various elements from one another in the textured version. For example when I look at the roof, if I look closely I can see that there is in fact moss on the roof, but if I squint or take off my glasses it just all sort of blurs together. Anyway, congrats on finishing. Looking forward to seeing more posts from you
  • Truth
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    Truth polycounter lvl 18
    Looks Really Nice, Perhaps your forest could benefit from some medium sized shrubs/ plants, but it's not needed for your objective. Overall one of the best tests I have seen - Keep up the good work.
  • North
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    North polycounter lvl 7
    this is the best one of these I have seen yet. Great work
  • futurepoly
    turned out great Ruth, good job.
  • System
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    System admin
    While this is one of the better attempts at this art test I've seen there's a huge disconnect between the test piece and the accompanying environmetn you've made. It looks like you simply dropped the test in to a well made forest environment and nothing more.

    Work on implementing some of the rocks you have from your test in to the world to bleed its design outward. Same with the flowers.

    Try and pick colours for the adjacent environment that compliment the ones found in your art test. Right now they're extremely loud and in your face when they should be subtle, as to draw the attention back to your art test.

    You've got a problem with scaling too. Your art test looks like a porcelain trinket dropped in to a Warhammer tabletop set. The size of the brades of glass don't match up well to the size of the door on your art test, nor do they read well next to your trees.

    I would decrease the size of your grass, incorporate elements from your art test in to the supporting environment (and vice versa. Fallen leaves on the roof, for example.) and using colours that compliment the art test and don't steal the intensity away from it.
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    It looks fantastic, but it seems to me that the scaling may be a bit off? It's either that the house isn't large enough or there needs to be something else in the scene to help with the scale. Right now the house just looks tiny compared to the trees.
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    XYZ wrote: »
    You've got a problem with scaling too. Your art test looks like a porcelain trinket dropped in to a Warhammer tabletop set. The size of the brades of glass don't match up well to the size of the door on your art test, nor do they read well next to your trees.

    I would decrease the size of your grass, incorporate elements from your art test in to the supporting environment (and vice versa. Fallen leaves on the roof, for example.) and using colours that compliment the art test and don't steal the intensity away from it.

    Quoting this for truth. That's the first thing you gotta fix to me.
  • ahktang
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    ahktang polycounter lvl 5
    looking good Ruth! I remember when we all started working on this in class! I think your building turned out awesome. the colorful foliage in the planters is a strong point, and I think you did a really nice job with the corner stones.

    It looks like you made alpha cards for the bottom row of shingles, but I'm not seeing a strong effect on the silhouette. The sides of the roof pop out nicely, but the bottom of the roof-line still reads fairly straight. This could just be the angle you are showing in the screenshots, I know on my house, I had to find an angle that really showed off the alpha cards.
  • RuthK
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    RuthK polycounter lvl 5
    I'm probably a bit too late in posting this, but thanks for the feedback and comments everyone! Yeah, the disconnect between the house and surrounding environment bothered me while I was making the piece. I haven't noticed the scaling issues until you guys pointed it out.

    I went back and rescaled the house and grass, and integrated the house and surrounding environment by adding some rocks, vegetation and, fallen leaves here and there. I also removed an extra environment probe which was making things look really orange/yellow like the previous pic.

  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    You should frame the image better where the cabin takes up more screen space.
    Also, i feel like the trees are too small, or that cabin is like a dall house. Add something to give it better scale.
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