Lots of League of Legends stuff posted lately so why not post some more?
Valkyrie Entertainment has worked with Riot since early 2010 and it's been a great project for us. Huge thanks goes out to all the great artists and producers down in LA that make Riot Games one of our favorite clients to work with.
I also can't say enough good things about the team of artists here at Valkyrie. We've been at it for 10 years now and the level of talent just keeps getting better every day.
These first 2 are a little over the top since I pimped them out for wall art for the office but the renders are using the game models.
Katarina Champion model by "Nellopolis"

Volibear Champion Model by "JauntyTunes"

Ashe Champion Model by "Enodmi"

Headless Hecarim Model by "JauntyTunes"

Imperial Lux Model by "Ferg"

Fiora Champion Model by "JauntyTunes"

I'll keep updating this thread with more over the next few days.
Ryze Pirate Model by "Enodmi"
Am I correct to assume that the highpoly models were used to generate diffuse and "fixed specular" bakes, as opposed to normalmaps ?
I like how the final look seems to be pretty much self-illum, with all the added benefits of baking surface information from a nice clean highpoly. I'd love to hear more about this
The top 2 images Volibear and Katarina have normal maps applied
I am wondering if the generated normalmap could be used to drive a nice, stylized rim lighting effect complementing the selfillum look ...
Cool stuff and thanks again!
Yeah that sounds awesome, I want to experiment with was using almost completly flat color with just a tiny bit of baked directional, and using various spec effects to help differentiate materials....
All of this stuff is amazing!
similar to the way SSS used to be faked, by inverting the normalmap and having that drive the rim-light?
Interesting that you would mention that. We're working on a small casual game for ourselves and just had a discussion yesterday about making a shader like that for our characters! We don't have any lighting in the game so we would use a dot product to fake the rim lighting.
Shadow Isle Wards by "Enodmi" & "JauntyTunes"
Can you tell me why high-poly sculpts are made for this game when only the low-poly models and diffuse maps are used? Unless maybe Riot is upgrading the graphics with all models showing off normal maps soon? :O
- oh dear god this is cool:D
Tyrant Swain Models by C Kleven & "TurboGoats"
I took a break from working a few years ago to get another degree and I'm finishing up in a few months...Riot was one of the companies I really wanted to get in contact with but now that I know they outsource their stuff...I'm not sure how to go about that now...
Still, thanks for posting all the awesome content!
We've worked with them for a long time and they've hired tons of artists during that time. Outsourcing is more the norm these days so I don't think you have to take that into consideration when applying somewhere.
Feel like I'm this close to it, so close. But yet, still so far away T_T
They all look so nice
Would love to hear about this as well.
Amazing art all round! Thanks for posting.
Koi Nami by "JauntyTunes"
Annie Tibbers Frostfire by "JauntyTunes" I believe Josh Singh made the base for the bear?
Fiddlesticks Dark Candy by "Enodmi"