Good evening Polycount , are new in this community and at the same time and inceptor in learning English language and in modeling/texturing ( please excuse for some spelling mistake ) - I have to introduce my first modeling in the sea without texturing made in 2 days, (I say again: they are very beginner) "I have only used Autodesk 3Ds Max and soon and other programs, that I've handled well on it, I expect some opinions and some advice from you, thank you very much.!!!
I've been going to a movie and from there I've inspired, but only a small, restu of me ... it is not too did it but I expect any answers, and I improve myself, thank you very much.!!!
Looks great so far. Like Visceral said, just copy the direct link from Image Shack and paste it using the Insert Image icon. Makes things easier to view. How are you planning on texturing everything? Tiling textures? Individually texturing everything?
Thank you so much for advice and in respect of texture on the objects do not yet know to do..and I don't know how to work, I tried to find some guides on the internet but..without results