Has anyone updated to unity4? Is it good? Does it break anything?
I'm a bit worried because one of the old updates changed the way it loaded all my models depending if they had multiple objects in and was quite a bit of work fixing them all up again.
It will break some scripts and animations are handled differently now (some 3.5 settings are depreciated) but generally the process is pretty painless.
The new animation system looks pretty robust. It will be a while before I will have need of it, but for more experienced Unity users it will probably be a big help.
Started learning Unity's GUI system today, and I'm actually having a pretty easy time with it. Very excited about getting deeper into Unity development.
Can't wait for the new one to be released...
I was a little confused at first. But once I made it through all of the basic tutorials things had started to make sense, and I was altering and customizing the way I wanted to. It's a bit of a strange approach, I'll admit, but not as bad as I had feared. I'm confident I've got a hold of it now.
I had heard that they were going to revamp the GUI in a later version. What are the big improvements coming up?
The new GUI is a huge overhaul, highlights are here;