So my very talented art instructor at school now is teaching Portfolio Review and wanted me to concept, and model, a Steampunk Submarine. This class is obviously a stepping stone to building resumes and CV's that people will actually look at, then maybe check out your portfolio. So here is my humble attempt at his concept. I mocked up a sub in PS, albeit not my strong suit, but it will do for basic visualization. I have started the modelling and have done many renders with Scanline to check my progress; this is the only render worth seeing right now.
As you can see, I have much work ahead, and all crits a reviews are welcome. I might just end up doing a Hi-poly version with Mental-ray materials and some nice renders, as I am not the best or fastest sub-d modeller. Some pieces are very WIP, and most of the bulk still needs to be done. Thanks for looking!
Kinda horrible concept I know. Just a base idea.

I'm free-styling a lot of this.

Another crit would be that the hull is a little dull in terms of shape. Try break up some symmetry. You could even try an external jet engine on one side or the bottom, or a side cart type enclosure, like on those motorbikes in Indiana Jones:) Just something to make it more unique. Steampunk designs usually make 0 sense so go nuts.
Rest assured, the end result will be much more far fetched and elaborate. I'll post more progress soon.
Thanks for the comment nitemare
One of the things I see right now that bothers me is that grill on the front. It looks like it would just be creating drag and catch all the sea life it happens to come across. The hot air balloons are a neat idea for controlling buoyancy. I'd like to see those in there asap, along with that propulsion.
Don't worry about rivets and bolts at all right now. That's the last thing you do. Worry about the large shapes, the things that are going to affect the silhouette.
pretty sure most if not all of them use propellers and not exhausts.
You can test out a single piece as a start. If it works then plan your work accordingly.
Keep it up.
@AmitSingh- I wish I knew where to even begin doing High to Low poly work. I go to a game design school, but they barely touch on that. I'd love to do a low poly bake for games, but don't know where to begin. This is my schools weakest link is teaching that. This model is already at 100,000+ poly's.
Thanks for the crits, keep them coming.
Haven't got as much done as I would have liked since last post, but I'm taking scripting II in Flash righ now as well and it's beating me senseless.
secondly, ballast means "weight" (to be precise ballast refers to a part of a ship that holds water) whereas your balloons would be doing the opposite, which is providing buoyancy.
That is all.
Thanks for the crit, but how about some critique on the actual progression of the model maybe.
Anyhow, I might go back and try and reduce the polycount, do a lowpoly, and texture the piece. For right now I'm going to focus on smaller projects to get my high to low poly baking skills where they need to be since right now, they are nil. Thanks for looking.
Some parts just don't make much sense to me, the big capsule shape on the bottom, it's just held up by one small tube and a very tiny string, when the thing moves I feel like it would just snap and break off.
Same thing with the "wings", just a small chain, and also a lack of thinking further about some shapes, those wings are just well, planes with some teeth shape.
The whole thing just seems to suffer from not looking enough at real life reference, and just making things from your mind.
Just my opinion.
Yea, I will tone down the presentation a bit. My teacher wanted some kind of backdrop/border to help tell a story, but it is probably too much. The model definitely needs more pieces, and re-working of others. Any suggestions on how to make the bottom balloon section more sturdy looking???