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Introduction and a finished fire extinguisher prop...

polycounter lvl 11
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Trevelyan . polycounter lvl 11
Hello fellow polycounters, I've been a long time follower of these forums and often admire the great work on here, I even used to have an account many moons ago. Alas I've not posted for years now and have finally decided that it's time to bite the bullet and become an active member once more, hooray!

I currently work as a lead environment artist at TT Fusion, based in the UK and have been working on
Lego City: Undercover since the projects beginning, (link below for anyone wanting to check it out):


I've been sorely missing creating artwork outside of the parameters of work, but things have been so busy it's just not been possible for me. Recently however I've given up those evenings and weekends that I'm not working, to do something that is entirely different from the art direction and budgets that I face usually...

Anyway, I have an entire scene in the works and some other props I've finished but for now I just wanted to share a fire extinguisher I've made...I basically just wanted to get back to grips with painting some dirty textures, sculpting some nice, chunky wear and tear and making a prop with a healthy texture and poly budget.

So I've made this old fire extinguisher, it's basically been banged around a bit and left to ruin...I feel finished on this particular prop now (having stared at it for far too long) but value all comments and critique you might have as I'm sure I can use it for some of my future bits and bobs...

Oh one more note, i'd like to add that I very much liked the presentation of JFletchers "AR-15" and so i've presented my work in a similar way...I hope he/you don't mind :)

Cheers, apologies for the lengthy text! Glad to be back!





  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Great looking hp and textures, the lp looks good but its darn lots of edges and loops on the cylinders. And the big crit is that i don't think that the worn paint spots looks realistic. :) Otherwise awesome work!
  • Cap
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    Cap triangle
    Overall it looks pretty good, and your materials read well, however the rusted paint looks ridiculous. Tone the edge highlights down as its making it look like its got some strange sheet metal coating or something. Also, for the amount of wear and grime you have on the body, the handle area on top looks spotless. It also looks like you just put a flat color on the band around the body and said fuck it, so I might molest that area of the texture some more. But yeah, pretty cool so far. Might be neat to see it rigged with a FP arm set for presentations sake.
  • Trevelyan .
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    Trevelyan . polycounter lvl 11
    Hey guys, thanks for your comments, really appreciate your input!

    S_ource, thanks for the compliment, i've not been able to texture anything for a while so was nice to get back into it! The worn paint spots you mention were intended to be areas of discolouration from drips, rust etc...but now that you mention it the one near the top could do with being toned down a little, thanks for the tip! :)

    Cap, thanks for your comment! The strange sheet metal coating you mention, is actually what the manufacturer refers to as an "expoxy polyester resin"...so essentially it is an additional thick, shiny coating applied on top of a stainless steel canister, i've attached some additional reference I used so you can see what I based the damage/material on:


    You're right about the damage being localised to the canister and not the handle or the plastic band on the body, I could have scuffed those areas a little more in the diffuse I think, currently it's just a bit scratched in the spec map but I'm not sure it's coming across well enough, so that's something for me to work on, thanks :)

    You're right on the money with the suggestion of a FP arm for presentation too, I modelled it as a first person "weapon" which might explain the extra loops i used for a smooth silhouette, if I get round to making a set of arms at some point i'll look into rigging it up - thanks for the tips and the compliments guys, I really appreciate it!
  • pipesfranco
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    Looks awesome that buddy :)
  • Trevelyan .
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    Trevelyan . polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks Pipes, glad you like it :)
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