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So for some creature practice I'm working on this werewolf that Martin (CodeFather) did the concept for. He gave me permission awhile back and I'm finally getting somewhere with it, so I thought I would post it for feedback anyone might have.
I'm way more comfortable with human anatomy, so this has been a real learning process for me. It's pretty close to being finished but I still have some work mainly on the back and face to finish up.
Let me know what you guys think!
Here is the concept I'm working from:

Shots from zbrush:

Also the forarms and biceps don't appear as powerful as they do in the concept to me. I think they might be too long and I imagined the hands more thick and stumpy like gorilla hands. Also, the details you have are very nice, but I think they could actually be smoothed out more to give the appearance there is fur covering the skin. At the moment he looks completely hairless minus the fibers you added along the spin and tail.
Anyway, great work so far, and I would suggest you resist the urge to call it done and play around with this some more. Good luck!
I agree with the comment on the back legs. They could use a bit more love.. just some odd stuff going on. Most noticeable to me is the odd bludge on the outside of the knee cap.
Good stuff!
Also, the nipples seemed odd to me. I know on humans anyway, nipples grow along the milk lines which form a V from the armpits down toward the groin, not in straight lines. I don't know if that's the case with wolves or not, and typing "wolf nipples" into google image search was a terrible, terrible idea.
something like this
or the ole insanity wolf
Jon Rush: thanks man, yeah I still had and have work left to do on them. The back legs are driving me crazy.
TehSplatt: Glad you dig it man!
Brygelsmack: haha, Brygel now all I'm picturing is a flying squirrel.
Shiniku, haha I learned that lesson early on. You have to use safe words like belly but even then
Megalmn2000: Mega thank for the input man, I think I touched on all of those things and hopefully it's looking better.
Kris, what's up man! Thanks for the ref dude, I went in and made some adjustments to his jaw and polished up the teeth some more.
So I think I pretty much covered what I adjusted in the comments, but basically arms back and shoulder girdle. I also did quite a bit of rework on his back legs making them bigger and whatnot. It's still not there but I think getting close.
Your detailing is incredible though (I wish I could sculpt that well,) just thought I would point out the proportions to give them some thought.
Looks fuckibng great so far though. Good work Jerry.
Like i said, great job so far.
I made some further adjustments to the forearms and overall arm size and took Sindre's advice on the deltoids.
I've got him baked down at this point with an ao so far.
Aqua Dark, he is a cutie isn't he.
Alright here is my second try at getting the sort of skin I'm looking for. First attempt was an utter failure. I still have some tweaks to make, I don't think the spec is perfect and the skin texture isn't there just yet. I've also played around with testing where I'm going to be placing hair.
Must have been a fun exercise!
I wish it had more hair
One thing that stood out to me though was the deltoid. Imo it's a bit overdefined compared to the rest of the musculature.
Also I the direction the back hair bugs me. Shouldn't it go in the opposite direction?
Did you use any additional reference beside from the concept?
Anyway, sweet work overall. I'm envious if anything.
AimBiZ - thanks man! I actually toned it down a bit from what it was before, maybe I could of gone further. The hair I followed the concept but I also liked the way it looked so I kept it. As far as references go I used tons of different images and a lot of books on animal anatomy. If you're talking about for the hair, no not really, I just went off the concept.
dustinbrown - thanks Dustin! I agree man, actually after I posed him I noticed that the brachi and brachio could of been better defined.
PyrZern - For me it was just something I liked about the design, partly why I picked the concept. I think it also plays nicely on the whole vampire werewolf theme. Maybe he's some sort of hybrid.