I've got a skeletal mesh I imported, and placed a lot of sockets on it. I've updated the mesh and need to re-import with different setting that I originally choose. (I need to turn on Import Tangent and Import Meshes in Bone Hierarchy as Meshes)
"Reimporting" will update the mesh, but not with the options I want. Importing and overwriting will remove my sockets.
Is there a way to re-import and change the import options while preserving my sockets?
I dunno if there's a way to do it WITHOUT losing those though.
In the socket manager, you can copy and paste multiple sockets at once. Have you tried copying them, re-importing, then seeing if they'll paste back in?
I still have to assign materials and fix a few relationships that got broken. But the sockets were the really tedious part.
I wonder why there isn't just an options to show the dialog again.
Why is there no re-import command for animations?!
Found it. It's the little Eye icon in the anim set editor.