hello everyone,
I present you my latest work, especially sculpt (that is all that I can show),
I wish I had your critics on the order of presentation for the images of my portfolio, and if some image are too much, and in same time show you my work,
I have often seen this kind of request here, I hope that this request is ok
thank you to those who pass by here,
my gallery :
and few of my work, hope you like it

and special thank to orb who shared his workflow on polycount

In my opinion, this would look much more professional on its own site although depends if you're looking for work or not. My two cents on that anyway.
On a side-note, you should build some environments around your props pieces. Would help sell them better.
it s true as cgportfolio is not the best, and sorry in fact i want to question the presentation of my models inside the pictures, same dimensions, same style and colors,
you are right, my own site for better presentation, and maybe is not a good idea to post my link of cg and just pictures here ^^ ,
i think buy one soon, but i search actualy, for the best, simply and proffessional , it s hard to decide ^^
and thanks for advice, i think add more texture/shading model/ global environment, and learn Vray. i have a free time in coming
I keep this thread for my next creations and evolution of my work ( a long time to wait for create this thread here
Awesome work, but the cgportfolio does not honor your work.
Your presentations and beauty shots look fine, i would only get rid of thumbnail and simply make a scrolling page full of awesome 100%-sized pics.
As far as I'm concerned, your portfolio is great. I love all of the sculpts and you have a great environment piece in your portfolio man.
i am very glad ^^
the next week i made/ buy
Bawwwcas, the link i talk about http://vimeo.com/26399689 , i think you recognize the syteme of brush i use my own but it s the same method and big source of motivation
This is a gold-mine for building sites anyway. http://www.w3schools.com/
The latest presentation image is pretty cool actually. You made a boring pillar interesting, almost interactive-looking.