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Advice for a beginner Matte Painter and Digital Environment.

Hi everyone,
One year ago, I enrolled with one of the biggest online schools/databases.
During this period, I've tried lots of different paths and have finally understood that Matte Painting and Digital Environment is the right path for me and I would like to enter the film sector.
At the moment, I have basic knowledge of modeling and texturing in Maya, Mudbox, Zbrush, Mari, Houdini, AE and Nuke; a better knowledge of Photoshop and Vue; and advanced knowledge of photography and photographic composition.

I've read and written a lot of posts in different forums but I still have some doubts:
*Maya is the film industry standard and the most useful for finding a high-level job. On the other hand Cinema 4D is easier to learn and has an in-built Camera Projection tool.
I've also read that it is becoming more and more popular in the film industry and some of the biggest names in Matte painting use it.
My question is: would it be better to stick with Maya on switch to/add cinema 4D to my portfolio? Or another 3D package?
If you tell me to stick with Maya, how can I overcome its lack of Camera Projection tool?
*My idea would be to learn Photoshop, Maya/C4D, ZBrush/MudBox, Vue and Nuke, is it right?
*Please could you tell me which essential techniques I will need to master in Photoshop, Maya/C4D, Mudbox/ZBrush, VUE and Nuke in order to get a job as a matte painter and digital environment?
*As I want to enter into films, some people have advised me to learn Mari. What do you think about this?
*In your opinion, would it be useful for me to understand perspective and learn free hand drawing?

Any additional information, pointer or advice that you can give me would be greatly appreciates.
Thank you so much.


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