Hello Polycount

I've been lurking for a while, and decided to finally start posting in the community. I adore making art for games and am looking for ways to improve.
To give you an idea of where I'd like to be, I love big open world games like Skyrim or Fallout3/New Vegas and want to make props for games like them. I love making
things, lots of things all the time.
So, if anybody's got the time I'd love some feed back on the work in my portfolio.
From what I've learned from the forums, the stuff he says in there is pretty much the way to go as far as art portfolios.
What exactly do you want to focus on? What kind of work are you doing/looking for?
@superdenny707 - I'll defiantly be working from his check list. I want to focus on making props. Right now I'm working freelance as a 3d modeler making props and textures for a mobile indie company, and have been looking for entry level art jobs. I've been modeling of years, but feel like my work just hasn't improved since college. I have a feeling that my next step should be start working on something, then post WIP shots while doing it.
@ZombieWells - All good points. To answer your question: I think my work isn't strong enough. But I've never asked other people what they thought, or advice on how to improve. That's one of the reasons I'm finally posting. Get over the fear of asking.
@AimBiZ - Do you suggest dropping the text on the popups too? I was told once to make sure there was context for a piece, or does that just distract from the work?
Just put up all your thumbnails in an easy to click layout. then if you want, create a "projects" link/page and then you can go into more detail with the images of what you did.
They are not that distracting but they do feel unnecessary. Only very important information should go there I think, like pointing out if there is something in the image that you didn't make. Most people (specially busy art directors) wont notice/bother reading those, at least that's what I think. If an employer is interested in your work in the first place then you can provide with additional information like how you work etc.
Kept my sculptures easily accessible since they're some of my better pieces. I also moved all my older work, School work, and digital paintings to an archive. 1)Because I want to focus on prop modeling/texturing and 2)because I feel the age of the work is showing.
Time to make and add new work!