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Ship Carrier

polycounter lvl 4
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WindchILL polycounter lvl 4
Hey wassup everyone, I've just been referred to this site by a friend so I'm new here. However I would like to ask for your input on a game model I'm working on. It's for a school project, and the game is called CORE Overload. It's a top-down, online multiplayer shooter set somewhere in space. The texturing style is painted realism with a tinge of impressionism. (Team Fortress2, Torchlight 2, and Dishonored are all good examples of this; where at a distance you can get a quick understanding and read of color, material quality, and internal elements, but up close there is still enough detail to dig into.)

The model im trying to make is a carrier meant to be the spawn point of one team's ships. (Keep in mind that the final model in-game is only going to be displayed in the perspective shown in the concept art.)


Here's what i modeled out so far:


I've been given advice by my art director to deviate from the concept art by moving the engine back, and putting the bay doors in the front instead.

I'm gonna start working on the UV's and a base texture/spec map. Any input on whether or not I'm hitting the artistic style mentioned above would be greatly appreciated, as I'm new to modeling/texturing. Thanks! :)


  • St.Sabath
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    St.Sabath polycounter lvl 11
    Cant see the images mate.
  • WindchILL
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    WindchILL polycounter lvl 4
    my bad, this is my first post ever on polycount so i'm still figuring things out. fixed the image uploads.
  • Darkleopard
    Welcome to polycount!

    Taking into consideration what your art director has said, it looks like you are off to a good start. THe biggest differences besides the particular changes you have made that i can see are the two components (rectangle and triangle) sitting on top of the ship. There proportions are vastly different to the concept. It is a little bit hard to tell, but it also looks like your model is a little shorter in the back then the concept also.

    Are you going to be using normal maps for the details?

    Keep posting updates, id love to see how this turns out!
  • WindchILL
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    WindchILL polycounter lvl 4
    Alright, so my art director gave me some advice for the changes to the model's appearance so here are some screenshots


    (as a reminder he said i should cut out faces that won't be seen since this object will only be viewed in the perspective shown in the concept art)



    My shot at UV'ing the ship. My art director approved of the map, so I wanna check with you guys, is there any way this could be improved? (keeping in mind this is going to go on a 1024 size image. i plan to bake out an AO map then paint the diffuse over it.) also something ive been wondering, is there a way to overlap UV's of the same parts without it messing up the AO bake? every time ive tried overlapping then AO baking, the shading is all messed up
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    I would say try to mirror more parts, especially the top hull. Anywhere that doesn't have markings that shouldn't be mirrored, like numbers or words, should be mirrored on the UV map, at least for the level of detail you seem to be going for. If there were lots of paint scuffs and the like, non-mirrored might be better, but you could nearly double your texel space if you did.
  • WindchILL
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    WindchILL polycounter lvl 4
    okay so i tried to overlap the UV's for faces thats gonna have non-unique textures applied to them and this is what i got:




    however i keep noticing whenever i do these AO bakes with overlapping uv's i get some shading artifacts in the overlapped areas. for example:



    these are probably minor enough where i can just paint the correct values over the initial AO bake in photoshop, but for future reference why does maya do this? i know that the shading is dependent on the surrounding faces, but this shape is largely symmetrical...
  • [Deleted User]
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  • WindchILL
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    WindchILL polycounter lvl 4
    also another issue i have, this one is more serious, is that the specularity seems to deviate from the edges in the geometry

    this is a snapshot taken from p3d.in (which i use to do a quick preview render). ignore the color of the diffuse, i just did a quick blue base to accentuate where the highlights are.

    im not sure if this is just the website's fault for incorrect reflection rendering (since its using its own default glow/light intensity; i havent made a spec map yet) or something is wrong with the .obj file i imported to the site to display the object
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Drop the Specularity Intensity to Zero in p3d.
  • WindchILL
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    WindchILL polycounter lvl 4
    when baking on overlapping UVs you'll always get a mess. Maya gets confused because you basically have 2 faces occupying the same uv space. It tries to bake the AO to both faces and goes haywire. What I do for AO is move the overlapping UVs out of the 0,1 space Temporarily then bake onto the remaining non-overlapping uv layout.

    When you arrive at a good bake you can move the UVs back to overlapping.

    wow, i never thought of doing that before. is there some GUI feature that lets you snap the overlapping uv's back to the exact spot they were at on the 0,1, or do you have to just eyeball it, then use the align UV's tool to correct?
  • WindchILL
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    WindchILL polycounter lvl 4
    Don't you want to bake a high poly with all those details on the concept into this?

    a high-poly mesh is not necessary for this game, so i plan to simulate depth with only a diffuse and spec map
  • WindchILL
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    WindchILL polycounter lvl 4
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • WindchILL
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    WindchILL polycounter lvl 4

    some progress with the diffuse
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