
Hey guys, so I'm currently working on this scene from avengers where loki first beams his beautiful self in via the tesseract.
Heres some W.I.P shots and some assets =]

To do -
Finish and add Wall and Floor smaller assets
Finish tesseract beam and sphere particles
Replace default smoke with own
Fix lighting issues
Feel free to crit away!
Looking forward to seeing this progress!!
i shall get on the lighting asap Adam! thanks for that!
and @maverickhornet thanks =] yeah they are baked from high to low. maya and xnormal
i've fixed up the lighting and some post issues, added in some of the smaller assets, just need to get the inside of the door out now and a few things that go around the walls. Plus some dirt decals for the wall tiles
Looks pretty spot on to me.
OOH you got tesseract going off ones! i love you XD they are so hard to find without actually having the film itself
Im going to re block out that door area, as ive discovered it has a nice little stair way area with some pipes and things
have some maps to:
updatery, the canister things are bugging me, shall work them out
the tesseract holder? yup, this is a uni assignment so im "meeting the brief" for that which is in for 2 days, then im taking it further for my own pleasure XD going to do the whole back room to where all the scientists camp.
Made a start on the high poly for the Tesseract holder thingy
Also LOKII, thanks to VickGaza For the sculpt
Backwall now lighting!