Hi all,
this is my first modular environment and I would like to have some feedback from you please.

The idea is of creating some sort of village/town composed by sci-fi buildings linked by transparent tubes and wooden bridges. (so it's a mix of sci-fi and traditional things) I have a limit of 15000 triangles and I have already used them all...
Some concept art:

The reference board:

Some screenshots from Maya:

for the metal material I have to apply the specular map.. I guess I should apply specular maps and do normal maps for some other objects too..
Anyway, here is the image of the scene in UDK:
But the wooden bridges don't actually match the rest of the scene so I'm going to make some half-tubes as bridges to one platform to another..
I've done some on Maya, but I wonder if it wouldn't be better to make them more complicated or if it would be better to use those triangles for creating new objects, since the scene seem poor. (I was thinking of going for the second one, also I would like to improve the lamps around the scene, that are currently really low-poly, with a pyramid-shape..)
I know its not too much, but you can optimize it here a little.And on the fences.Make the vertical planks separated.
It is true that by optimizing the platform I don't get many triangles but I think it's still something.
I've tried to make them vertical but then the objects has far more triangles. =/
Anyway, this is my finished environment in UDK:
I acknowledge that is far from being perfect, but after all it was my first trial. I will maybe work on it again, but maybe I should just use the concept and start from from scratch again.. I couldn't make the normals and other maps that should be there.. =((
However the biggest question is: would an environment like this be really useful for a videogame? or is it better to make something easier, that isn't reflected vertically like this? I guess the idea of some sort of village composed by floating platform linked by tubes isn't too bad.. =/