Hi everybody!
I'm a freelancer italian artist i just graduated as a generalist and now i want to specialize in concepts and models.
Occasionaly i rig(character rig,with facial animation and dynamics) or script something, but i don't enjoy it so much.
anyhow this is my Reel at the moment: [ame="
and this are two of my latest work

critique i'm working on:
1- no well know blueprint work to see my skill on a random blue print
(i only have my wow fan art of protodrake)
possible solution: self portrait or famous actor
2- add wire on low poly (next video edit i'll add)
3- no hard surface model or enviroment, probably i'll do the enviroment first while i contunue my hard surface train in zbrush.
i hope to get a lot of input to work on!
ps: i'm currently looking for a work abroad so if you know events for portfolio review or cool workshop pm me !
Feel free to critique!
Next thing is the range of work on your portfolio and demo reel is really large. Some of your stuff looks pretty good like the helicopter, the dragon sculpt, the low poly stuff, and the paining you are using as a background. Other stuff like those pencil sketches, quick sculpts, and that armored T posed thing are really dragging everything else down. If you can paint like you did with that blue forest then you should have more pieces of that level, not all over the place, and the same thing with your modeling. Also the horse in your demo reel has major anatomy issues that you might want to solve before putting up
A couple other strange things is that you have work in your demo reel that you don't have in your portfolio and vise versa. Do not make somebody watch your demo reel to see your work, it should just be something extra. I wouldn't put concept art in your demo reel either because that doesn't really add anything to the actual piece.
Last why did you pick that super close up of the helicopter and not show off the whole thing from all different angles? If you made something cool, put different views of it up on your site.
Any one know a cool easy to build site? if not,the site will be updated after the movie Reel only because i've to do it in php by myself but i don't rembember exactly how =D.