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[Dota2] - Spirit Breaker - Dead Phoenix

Well, time to make a WIP thread before it's too late.

I haven't really had a lot of time to work on this, so the pre-production phase consists mainly out of quick pencil and pen sketches made during train rides.

The choice for the horns wasn't all that hard, but I didn't really know what to do with the rest: tight and clean or rough and organic? In the end, I went for organic. Not just creating something organic and then slapping a metal texture on it, but having an object look like an attempt to imitate something organic. (Crude layering of metal plates instead of individual feathers, seams in the bird skull where the individual metal parts touch, etc.)




  • ArqusZed
    First batch of WIP models.

    I dropped the initial claw-like bracer in favor of a huge bird skull after someone told me the claw clashed too much with the rest of the whole bird related theme. (He was right.)

    Feedback is always welcome.

  • ArqusZed
    A quick render from 3DS Max. Diffuse, normal and Mask 1 of three of my parts are already finished (well, except for the weapon, that one still needs tweaking in the diffuse). Then it's time to do Mask 2.

    And then, on to the shoulders and lower armor.

    I haven't really had to time to work on it the past two weeks... But hey, maybe I'll make it. Feedback is always welcome (even though I'm not really sure to what extent I can still make adjustments).
  • ArqusZed
    A quick screengrab of the other two parts from the set, lower armor and shoulders, hi poly.
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