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[Modo] Tool specific hotkeys?

I'm new to Modo and I'm working on setting up hotkeys. I had no problem with the basic stuff, it all went really smooth, but I can't seem to figure out how to create a tool specific hotkey.
What I was trying to do was to set up hotkeys to adjust the number of segments in the Loop slice tool and also change the mode between symmetry and free.
I've looked around in the list under "new assignment" in the Input editor but couldn't find any tool related options. But then again I don't relly know what to look for so I'm sure it's there somewhere. Any ideas?


  • Farfarer
    Offline / Send Message
    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    I'm not sure you can do that straight up to work per-tool.

    What you can do is write a script that'll fire a command based on the currently active tool (I've got various modal tools set up this way - for example, W is bound to weld unless I'm in item mode, then it'll activate the move tool).
  • Bryan Cavett
    Offline / Send Message
    Bryan Cavett polycounter lvl 19
    Just set the "Edit Mode" to "Tools" and the "Tool" to "Loop Slice" then you can right click on any of the greyed out hotkeys and add a new command. You dont need to look for the greyed out "new assignement" like the other hotkeys you made.
  • o2_is_alright
    Oh well that was almost too easy:P Thanks alot Bryan!
  • Farfarer
    Offline / Send Message
    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    Just set the "Edit Mode" to "Tools" and the "Tool" to "Loop Slice" then you can right click on any of the greyed out hotkeys and add a new command. You dont need to look for the greyed out "new assignement" like the other hotkeys you made.
    Damn, I didn't know that one. Gonna have fun customizing everything now :D
  • WarrenM

    I'm trying to set up tool specific hot keys for the translate, rotate and scale tools but I'm having trouble as all 3 tools seem to be named "xfrm.transform". So I have something like this:

    <hash type="Region" key="view3DTools+toolPreset.xfrm.transform+.anywhere@shift-x">@D:\Dropbox\WarrenModo\MyScripts\QuickFlipAcrossAxis.pl X</hash>

    Which works great by firing a scaling specific script that I wrote BUT the problem is that it also fires in Translate and Rotate modes, which I don't want. I want to do something else in those modes ...

    Does anyone know the syntax to differentiate the different transform tools?
  • WarrenM
    Herp derp, never mind. For the curious Google traveler of the future, you want to use this format for the tool names:

  • maxshade
    Offline / Send Message
    maxshade polycounter lvl 2
    How do i  create 
    tool sensetive hotkeys in modo???

    it don`t work when i set

    context to [contextless]
    edit mode to keyboard shortcuts
    view mode to keyboard

    can someone tell me in detail step by steb exacty witch buttons to push to get this to work

    like say i want 
    q - tool.attr prim.cylinder sides value:?-1
    w - tool.attr prim.cylinder sides value:?+1
    and have that to be tool sensetive hotkey 
    so it only applys when i have cylinder selected / active or whatever
  • Bryan Cavett
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