Hey all,
So JetForce is a project that I started at the beginning of October 2012. We're making really good progress so far and I'm very proud of our team and wanted to share with everyone here. I'll be updating this thread on a semi regular basis and try to keep the newest material at the top:
All work © 2012 Apeirogon Entertainment Inc. unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.
I'm very excited to say that we've got the first build of JetForce: Prototype put together and I made a video to show the progress so far.
Link to Youtube:
Now that we've got the programming framework put together, we're going to spend the next few weeks focusing on getting a proper level put together and some of the weapon models in game.
We'd love to get the community's feedback on which of these designs you think are the best to move forward with for the Enkeli race.
Please ignore the fact that these characters have all been designed with a more "realistic" style when compared to the JetForce. I've got two different artists working on the designs because I want there to be an obvious contrast between the races but we're going to bring them more in-line with each other for the final designs.
Have to agree here, although pretty cool looking, the proportions of the model are nowhere near exaggerated enough compared to the concept.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
Speak of the devil, our character artist just finished the Medium Soldier...
It just screams Ironman. Other than that, great concept art, very professional looking.
As it's been said about the art work above, quite reminiscent of the techniques Feng Zhu teaches. I think if more real life references were used with the modelling there would be some improvement. I know the concept art is designed to fit a certain style, but even so, some general anatomy references on hand never hurts.
The second model is a good improvement though. I think textures will add a lot to the model later on. Is Lee using ZBrush or mudbox for the high res work?
Yes, that was the first thing I thought. As Lee put it, Ironman meets Buzz Lightyear. We've decided to go with full glass face shields for all of the characters, you'll notice that we changed the Light Soldier's design accordingly as well.
If anyone has any specific suggestions on how Lee can improve his work we'd be more than thankful for them. I'm not a character artist, so I'm not the best person to give him the feedback he needs to really bring the models to the next level.
@claytonbarton - I believe Lee is familiar with Zbrush and Mudbox, however I'm not sure which package he's been using for the JF characters if he's using any sculpting package.
This is a screenshot of the Landscape Test that I put together. Now that we've figured out the style we're going for I'm going to focus on putting together a proper environment.
LOL You were thinking that someone was doing an art dump for a game that was released in 1999? I mean I love Rare too, but that just seems funny. Especially since they got absorbed by MS in 2002!
And in Lee's defense, I did tell him I wanted the textures to be single colors as I was originally planning to go with a much more stylized version of the game, but I'm slowly changing my mind on that front.
It was more along the lines that I thought someone was working on a fan game I didn't hear about or did a large environment piece for their portfolio based on it.
Cross implementation is awesome.
And gliders suit the 'space/robots' theme better than feather wings.At least to me