One of my problems has always been that "Noooo, don't look, it's not done!" attitude along with feeling that my work is not good enough to show.
So I'm trying to change that. Also hoping that posting here will get me to be more productive so you guys can see updates.
I'm working on this Typhlosion character (Hell yea Pokemon) in 3DS Max and am at trying to unwrap it. This is the first time I have worked on a non-humanoid type character so creating the head was a challenge. Normally I would just use a cylindrical map around the head with the seam in back then fix it up a bit. I think that should still work for this guy.
My problem now is selecting the uvs I want. In max only the ones that face you are selectable. Rotating around and checking that you got every uv in every small space is a pain. Is there a better way to do this?
My other problem is the mouth cavity. What would be a good way to select uvs to unwrap with all the other geometry in the way? I originally made it with symmetry so if I needed to see the inside I could just turn off that modifier. i collapsed that to start unwrapping.

Yea, i know the cannon legs dont look like that, but there was no way I was gonna be able to animate them like that.
Oh, and something else. is it possible to unwrap texture and rig a character then pass it through a smoothing modifier like mesh smooth or the "Use nerbs subdivison" check box? I would rather work with a lower poly mesh when posable.