Hi Polycount!
I have some questions about HeadUs UV Layout.
1. With H i can Hide the previously marked objects.
But what is the Hotkey for Unhide all?
2. With D i can Drop 3D Objects from 3D Space to the UV Editor.
When the Flatten Mapping Result is bad, how can i send the Object back to 3D Space to make new cuts? I dont know how to return my Objects from the UV Editor back to 3D Space, to give em new UV Cuts and to give them a new chance

Can someone help me?
Sorry, wrong Forum.
I thought i was in Technical Talk...
I don't know of any unhide all, but you can just hide everything by going H+RMB and drag a really small box without touching an island. Then just hit H then S to swap hidden, and it'll unhide everything.
I will try it out!