Hey to all,
I was wondering if anyone knew of a simple script that would allow me to select two mesh's, and with a simple click of a button, center their pivot and move them together so that they're overlapping in (preferably the low poly to the high poly) position?
The reason I ask this, is because when I'm sculpting (example, ZB) I like to explode my high poly in said app with their own explody function (simple X, Y directions), before importing it in an app like Max, problem is, if I have a low poly model already standing by, it will take me ages to select each piece of model, center their pivot and align them to respective high or proxy mesh's so that I can bake the exploded version of the mesh (especially in XN), especially on hard-surface models and several dozen pieces.
On the other hand, if anyone has tips on how I could accomplish this quickly without the need of a script, that would be grand too.
if $selection!=undefined then
Obj1.pivot = Obj1.center
Obj2.pivot = Obj2.center
Obj2.transform = Obj1.transform
Should do what you want.
Mind telling me how I would go about making it into a Button I can click inside Max, for an unsavvy person like me?
After that you can set a hot key in the "Drag and Drop" category of the Customize dialog.
0_0 i didnt know this is possible
tnx man!
mother of god. i never knew this. and here I go about spamming macroscripts.