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[Dota2] - Spirit Breaker - Frozentide Seeker

[UPDATE 12/1/2012]: Nope! I won't finish in time!

The official deadline for the competition is on Monday, two days from now. Next Monday is unfortunately also the beginning of college finals week for me. Considering I'm still sculpting my model now, It's very unlikely that I'll be finished in time to submit officially. This competition hasn't been a very high priority for me for various reasons, but it's been a great opportunity to practice 3D art and learn a lot in the process. I started very late and I'll be finishing even later. I'll continue to work on my model until I'm happy with it, and I plan on submitting the final version to the Dota2 workshop anyway. I think that this has been a good experience for me based on many small things that I learned over the process.

I haven't had a chance to check out most of the final submissions, but the ones that I have seen so far have been really awesome. The levels of talent and artistry in this community are pretty amazing!

Here's where I am so far. I'm in the middle of making my sculpt. Of course there is no way I'll be able to finish my sculpt, do my low poly, rig it, uv map it, and texture it all within the next two days while not failing at college... I'll still try to finish this model over my winter break. =)


[UPDATE 11/23/2012]: Will I Finish in Time?!

I haven't been able to work on my model as much as I would have liked to since I entered. I've just finished the pre-sculpt model pieces (except for the weapon). I'll try to get everything modeled out and sculpted by the end of this weekend. I'm hoping that I manage to make the deadline, but unfortunately I've been distracted by school...

Here's what I have so far. I'm looking forward to sculpting everything out.


I still have lots of work to do. Gotta turn everything into quads and get it ready for zBrush. ^^ Who knows if I'll manage to finish.

[Original Post 11/7/2012]: Entering and Hoping to Learn!

Hey all! I'm throwing my hat into this contest a little bit later than most, it's also my VERY first Polycount contest and I'm looking forward to the challenge. Of course, I'd love to have my model submission selected by Valve, but my personal goal for this contest is to design, model, and texture a custom costume that I can be proud of. I look forward to seeing everyone's results and I hope to learn a thing or two about modeling from the process. I'm making a alternate armor set for the Spirit Breaker hero that is going to be roughly based on the art and design of the Native American tribes of the Pacific Northwestern Coast region. Here's my initial, rough concept sketch:


[Don't mind the bright orange coloring, I'm only using that as a contrast to the blue skin of the character so that I can clearly see the individual pieces of armor.]

Here's what I consider the main points of focus of this design:

- Long, narrow painted mask. (Probably dark grey with a little bit of color, haven't decided on the colors yet.) 2 large horns. Different shape/silhouette than the standard curly horns of the original Spirit Breaker costume. One of the horns will be broken on the side to add a little bit of asymmetry. (Head Piece)

- 2 large wooden slabs per shoulder, connected together by belt straps that hang down in front and in back. Carved and painted in a Native American style. Lots of dark grey and a white on top of natural wood, with little bits of color. (Shoulder Piece)

- Wrist bands with fur and feathers. (Arm Piece)

- A loin-cloth type of thing that has layered straps underneath on the front side. (Belt Piece)

- A new tail design that matches the look of the braids on his beard. (Back Piece)

[Welp... That's my general concept! Hopefully I'll have a chance to start working on the base models tomorrow! GLHF everyone! :thumbup: ]


  • KatanaSwordfish
    First big update since I entered. Nearly ready to move into sculpting with zBrush. There's a lot of time left before the deadline, but unfortunately I'm in the last weeks of my current term of college, and I have other stuff to do. I'm going to do my best to finish the model before the deadline, and I'll continue to work on it until I'm happy with the final results even if I don't manage to make the competition deadline! This has been a great learning experience so far, regardless. :D

    TO DO:
    - Weapon Pre-Scult
    - Make everything quads
    - Sculpt
    - UV Mapping
    - Baking Normal Map and AO
    - Texture painting
    - etc.

    I'm making it my goal to try to use mirroring and symmetry wherever possible to save UV space. The model has many hanging belt-straps and I'd like them all to use a single looping belt texture. It's a really useful technique that I've actually never really tried before, especially not with normal maps.
  • KatanaSwordfish
    Bleh... I won't be able to finish everything in time...

    I'm still doing my sculpt now, and I'll have to manage my time due to college finals next week.
    I want to continue this model even after the contest is over, and submit it to the Dota2 workshop anyway.

    Besides school, a few things stood in my way. Due to the fact that I'm not an experienced 3D modeler, I was on the fence about whether to participate in this competition or not. Because of that, I ended up starting really late. I basically only had time to work on this during the weekends, also.

    Regardless, it's been fun and I know that I've already learned a lot. I'm looking forward to participating in the next modeling contest. I want to at least 'cross the finish line' next time. Hahah
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