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polycounter lvl 7
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whyareyoumakin1 polycounter lvl 7
Hi All!

I'm taking a few small hours in the week away from daily project work to do a model, based off a gorgreous piece of concept art by Ashley Sarroca, of a Yeti Crab. She concepted the creature for an Atlantis circus project she is working on in a concept illustration class. I thought it would be a great opportunity to take a clean and relatively un-complicated creature design and make a model and ultimately portfolio piece out of it.

I will be sculpting and Poly painting the crab in Zbrush, retopo-ing and UVing him in Maya (or if i can figure it out soon enough, 3D coat), Baking him down through xNormals/Maya/3ds Max (depending on which gives me the best result) then spec mapping and polishing the diffuse in Photoshop. Oh and to finish up I imagine i'll be rendering out his final look in Marmoset.

I always somehow seem to get bogged down by spending a million hours on one sculpt yet not making a million hours of progress, so for this sculpt I'm tying to emulate Danny Williams and his lunch crunch concept, and not spend more than a few hours (4 hours at max) on the sculpt itself. (Now Danny could, i'm sure, do the exact same work in 45 minutes as i do in 4 hours and do it better, but I like to think that's because i'm still rank 15 (Apprentice) in sculpting whereas danny has racked up 93 ranks (Master)). As they 10,000 hours makes a master, so im trying to rack up 10 more hours this week on my personal trek to mastery (no matter how far off it be)

Phew, I digress. I'm hoping to have this done by this time next week. Currently i'm on hour two of the sculpt and poly paint. It still needs some love, but I also think hes coming along quicker than most of my work generally does. So Tell me what ya think! Be brutally honest, I want this to look great, Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Thouroughly appriciated and desired. (for example, How the heck should i approach those fuzzie arms and legs?)


Concept Art:



  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    I don't do character art, so I'm not sure how much help I can be, but I'm surprised to see you sculpting and poly-painting simultaneously. I'm not sure I'd have done it that way. On a different note, I think the most interesting part of the concept is the fur arms. I'm not sure how comfortable you are with executing something like that but be aware that it may prove challenging and I'd hate to see you walk away with something you're unhappy with.
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