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[ArenaNet Internship 2013]

Hello Polycount.

I'm applying for the ANet internship and wanted to throw some of my images up here for critique before taking the plunge. Of course any and all critiques are very welcome.




Thanks, everybody.


  • lotet
    Offline / Send Message
    lotet hero character
    Looks cool.

    My only crit would be the head, It looks out of place and kind of WoWish/cartoony, it does not really fit the guildwars style and looks kind of lowpoly and blocky.

    the strange thing is neaither does your highpoly look cartoony nor the head lowpoly, looking at the wireframe.
    so my conclsion is something funky happend in the texturing phase.
  • Web3d
    Offline / Send Message
    Too much lighting in the colormap perhaps?
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