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Tension Morpher (Marius Silaghi)

I intend in this thread to review/explore Marius Silaghi modifier called "Tension Morpher". There are many aspects to study and my intention is to share with other users some specific uses of it: Skinning.

I am not an expert, so sorry if i am commiting errors.

The fact is: since i put my hands on Tension Morpher it are being a powerful auxiliary tool in skinning tasks.

I dont have many free time, so the next video will be posted probably next weekend.

The first thing i did (as newbie) was to bend a cylinder with two bones.
What surprised me was how fast was to soft that junction using Tension Morpher!

Thanks, Silaghi: this is a great plugin and your Relax algorithm is very efficient! :)


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EORGMEaY2po&feature=plcp"]TENSION MORPHER 02 - YouTube[/ame]


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