very nice work. the crate reminds me of one that Orb did. :P however... you have A TON of wasted UV space in that texture. you could get a significant amount of resolution out of that space. just something to keep in mind for next time.
Oniram Thanks Buddy for your kind words. Yes you are right, there is ton of wasted UV space in crate, Next time I'll keep that in mind and use full space to get most out of it.
Crate inspiration comes form ORB crate because i feel, no matter how small is the box, you always have ton of things to do with it. It was for learning.
Anyway I would like to Thanks all of you guys for giving me critic on my work. It'll help me improve a lot.
joe gracey Actually I am using a combination of Soft and Hard edges to get clean and crisp normal map... For baking purpose i use xNormal with default settings, nothing fancy. for presentation I use marmoset.
Awesome work.
Face Study..
Crate inspiration comes form ORB crate because i feel, no matter how small is the box, you always have ton of things to do with it. It was for learning.
Anyway I would like to Thanks all of you guys for giving me critic on my work. It'll help me improve a lot.