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Sketchbook: UUUinfinity

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UUUinfinity polycounter lvl 6
Please note: All my sketches, studies and journals will be on my blog: blog.leonieyue.com instead so I have more time to learn and actually comment on other people's threads instead of stretching myself thin and posting my work everywhere. I may post selective works and projects I want further feedback on here but at this stage it won't be anytime soon.
I welcome feedback to my blog here however! Thanks for coming by! (:


Hello! Just joined Polycount recently and figured I should jump in and post art stuff I've done so far! (:

I am here to learn together with you all, so constructive feedback is appreciated and I will do the same (when possible)! Look forward in making some feedback friends along the way.

I am amazed at the work done here so far! Currently I'm learning Maya--3D and Animation and would like to develop further in the Concept Art area.

More descriptive thoughts on these are on my blog if you're interested but here goes! I'll post even more recent stuff later but for now, this is work since July this year onwards.


First 3D still life first up (not that well framed!):



First Character I've done, from concepting to modeling stage (it's still not finished as there's things that need to be changed; feel free to point out anything I need to work on)








Mudbox Sculpt:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjWhQ4jmkmI&feature=player_embedded"]Character Dragon Guardian Mudbox Sculpt Turnaround - YouTube[/ame]


Current Model Turnaround (WIP):
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3AueNJe1Fk&feature=player_embedded"]Dragon Guardian Turnaround - Penultimate Stage - YouTube[/ame]




For this character feedback is appreciated, namely the list below (copied from original blog post):
Areas I'd like feedback on for future projects based on this current model:
  • Concept
    1. Concepting/Design
    2. Colour Theory
  • Modeling
    1. Anything missing in terms of parts? Mouth interior, teeth, tassell accessory, water, actual legs would be some I had in mind
    2. What parts could be modeled better?
    3. Edge flow & the number of polygons on the model--if it was a game model it's too much and if it was a screen/film model it's still too much to be subdivided into further polygons...how many should I keep it down to if it was film vs game? I think it was 8.000 polys for game? This model is currently 33,513 polys as I do not intend to subdivide it further when rendering.
  • Sculpting in Mudbox
    • What needs improvement in terms of the high poly sculpt?
  • Joints, Skinning & Rigging (skeleton & weights & movement control)
    • Where does it need further joints/movement besides the braid?

Areas I'd like feedback on that I may consider undertaking on my current model:
  • Texturing Colour
    1. what further needs improvement/working on such as dress, coat wrap, sleeves, waistband, front flap, hair, antlers, feet, eye, eyeball, etc? (as in itself it is plain)
    2. Facial Skin and hand/fingers texture thoughts?
  • Normals/Bump Maps (the detailed 3D forms implanted as an image so to minimise the number of polygons)
    • I will remove the fabric textures off the normals and onto the colour textures instead but what else needs working on?
  • Presentation wise
    1. the pedestal she is currently on needs more work (looks flat at the moment!) Suggestions for a pedestal is appreciated! The thing she stands on might be changed into a rock within the sea; not sure yet. The water image came from: http://gofishministries.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/blue_ripples2.jpg
    2. I should re-render it all at the end and redo the video (as I'm new to Premiere) so suggestions in making the video play better would help a lot!
Am also open to anything else you believe should be taken into account I haven't mentioned so far.
To be continued...


  • UUUinfinity
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    UUUinfinity polycounter lvl 6





    Oops the text is too big; apologies





    Thanks for looking (:
    Welcome and eager for feedback and crits! And even new feedback friends!

    More commentary/thoughts on my main blog if you're interested as I'm just going to dump art without too much description here.

    Until next time, keep rolling!
  • UUUinfinity
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    UUUinfinity polycounter lvl 6



    Feedback appreciated (:

    EDIT: I don't know what's happened with the displaying of images so while I figure it out, I've attached them to this post instead.
    EDIT2: Attachments don't work? I can only post via Chrome for some reason today?
  • UUUinfinity
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    UUUinfinity polycounter lvl 6
    EDIT: I don't know what's happening with the images; have tried different things already.

    EDIT 2: I had to post them via Chrome for some reason, not firefox for the images to appear.

    Hullo! First I'll post up what I've done and then the Nomad Panda concept, as that is what I'm working on at the moment.

    Wastelander-esque Panda

    I was working on a Character for a team of game programmers. It's their student game project and they wanted a "Wastelander Panda" webseries sort of Panda character with a Fallout 3 vibe to it. He also carries trash around. Their game is a puzzle 2D platformer, so I was to make a spritesheet for them asap.

    These are my rough sketches/thumbnails to get an idea of the Panda they're looking for.





    Took me much longer than I would have thought but I am finally (hopefully) done with the sprite sheet for their game. Took me over a day to figure stuff out, animating it to see how it looks and rendering via pixels. It's tiny compared to the concept art as each frame is 42x42.

    Will need to find out who is their background artist so I can get some backdrop to my panda here.

    My Nomad Panda Project
    I made some sketches full of Panda studies posted over at my blog, but I'm too embarrassed to post them here. But after some practice, I got my concept art of just the Panda character by itself (I haven't designed the accessories yet, so WIP still!)


    I did some colour hue changing tests (that I've posted at my blog only) but I'm sticking to these original colours of blacks, whites, oranges and blues for my project.

    Phew! 3D side of things for this panda is currently in progress.

    Feedback and constructive critique appreciated!
  • UUUinfinity
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    UUUinfinity polycounter lvl 6
    A selection of the things I did during this session.





  • UUUinfinity
  • UUUinfinity
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    UUUinfinity polycounter lvl 6
    Snippet from my bi-weekly journal here.

    Storyboarding crazies:

    Train adventures:
  • UUUinfinity
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    UUUinfinity polycounter lvl 6
    Update: All my sketches, studies and journals will be on my blog: blog.leonieyue.com instead so I have more time to learn and actually comment on other people's threads instead of stretching myself thin and posting my work everywhere. I may post selective works and projects I want further feedback on here but at this stage it won't be anytime soon.
    I welcome feedback to my blog here however! Thanks for coming by! (:
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