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Sketchbook: timtomwho

polycounter lvl 5
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timtomwho polycounter lvl 5
Hey there, my name is Tim. I'm new to the community here at Polycount.

Looking forward to just working on my 3D skills and hopefully get some input. And eventually give some input of my own to those I can help.

I've been out of touch from 3D for a couple years now and got a lot of catching up to do. Not to mention learn a ton of new stuff that I've been missing out on.

I figure a sketchbook is a good place to start. Feel free to critique or give any advice you feel like sharing. Consider me to be an idiot when it comes to the subject of 3D artistry so literally any advice will be a big help.

And for my first post!


This is what I'm working on to sort of re-learn everything I've forgotten. I'm currently in a unwrapping phase with this and as soon as I'm done with that I plan to bring it into Mudbox then sculpt and paint. Then eventually bring it back to Maya for final material and lighting.

If anyone has anything I should be keeping in mind during this phase or just general things I should be lookin out for I would appreciate the info. Thanks!
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