Hi everyone!
I haven't been on here in a while and haven't updated my website in even longer.
Before I go ahead and update my site, I would love to get some feedback as to if its any good.
Should I leave it as is, or should I do something completely different?
If different, what would you recommend?
The site is at:
Thank you so much for the feedback

Ps. I recently migrated it, so the download links don't work.
How would I go about doing such a thing?
I've seen sites that have a side to side type banner/button/folder for grouped content but I have no idea how to do that.
Trying to figure out how to fix that.
I'll notify when it's fixed:)
Had to replace my gallery plugin but now we're up-ish and running again.
I'm in the process of restoring all my content but feel free to drop a comment on the layout and feel of the site.
Btw, is it too slow?
I feel it takes forever to load:(