Nice style, check your joint topo tho, especially his knees would not deform well at all. There's also a lot of odd tris mixed into the primary deform loops.
well you got wrong man, i meant having a licence from autodesk or pixologic to make tuts with theier softwares (i hear alot in DT or any other website "autodesk authoried publisher or something)
sorry for repleing too late
edit: I've downloaded from 2 of the 3 links... both are corrupt! Guys how do I fix this!
double edit: fixed it, thanks so much fantom! This is awesome dude.
Is there any i can resume incomplete download ? In 14 days
There is 30 days in fact but you can always PM me or send an email
PhoenixWolf - Thanks !
FractaL - Thanks !
"I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay! I sleep all night and I work all day!"
WHOOOPS: Double-post, sry <_<"
I got 504 timed out something error >_>"
Keep it up tho man, sharing is caring lool
PyrZern - Thanks! I will
Mask_Salesman - Thanks for advices!
What do you mean by license? Are you asking if you can for example sell my video tutorial, I must say sorry but is not allowed. I would be not happy
If you have something else in your mind just please explain it with details.
sorry for repleing too late