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Portfolio Work

Hey people I'm currently building my portfolio and thought I'd post some of the images here for some feedback.


Check out my website for more images. jwalkercreations.com
I'd also like some feedback on my website as well.


  • jermaineb
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    jermaineb polycounter lvl 13
    im very unsure as to what the first piece is. what is it?
  • shinobix
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    shinobix polycounter lvl 16
    Ditto, what is that first piece??
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    I'm guessing the first piece is supposed to be a ship of some kind, or a rock? Sorry XO
  • jwalker2276
    The first model is an alien drop ship, the center transparent part will have the alien.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • North
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    North polycounter lvl 7
    Everything I see on your website even up to your font choice is of poor/terrible quality.

    At this point im not sure if you just have extremely poor taste or if you just arent meant to be an artist.

    My suggestion is to either take the time to learn the skills it takes to be a decent 3d artist (the polycount wiki is great for this) or to perhaps choose a different career path.
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    I definitely second Teriyaki! Don't worry too much about your website right now - get some good work going first.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    outch, I would say that a bit harshNorth, but you have a point.

    TeriyakiStyle has a great point though, your main problem seems to be your design choises.
    you obviusly know your 3d, cause I can see great topology, nice textures, no UV seams, but your design skills are really not that strong. look at proffesional concept art and make something from there, make a WIP thread here and I promise you ppl will help you in anyway they can ^.^
  • Xyrtae
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    Xyrtae polycounter lvl 6
    I agree with Teriyaki as well, You should really try to work from established concepts, try working on company art tests like the arena net art test, they are a great way to gauge your own ability as you do them and the look good on a portfolio as well.

    Also you need to trust in your normal maps more, there is no need for that bomb gun to be 13000 tris, you could easily reduce it by more than half. the normal map is there to give the illusion that there is more detail when there isn't.

    Now for your website... Although North was really harsh about it he is right that your design choices are horrible. I understand that you want your website to stand out, but what you want to stand out is your 3d work. Try speaking with a graphic design student at your school if there are any, they will be able to help you with designing your website to put emphasis on your 3D work in a good way. what you have now is too distracting. employers have to go through A lot of portfolios a day when they are hiring so if your best work isn't slapping them in the face with how awesome it is when the first open the website they will move on to the next portfolio in a matter of seconds.

    On the front page of your website I see a lot of work that isn't being presented, like the FN SCAR that actually looks pretty good which is better to show than the bomb gun.

    Also a good thing to have on a portfolio website is a making of section because employers want to know that you can redo work and make it better while redoing it, because you will almost never get something right the first time.
  • Visceral
    Why is it made out of lava?
  • jwalker2276
    Thanks people for the feed back, I was required to make a website for school so I made one with no experience in web design, but I will probably switch to a site like carbon made or something more simple. I also agree that the gun above is to many polys. Thanks people.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I really just thought it was a stack of burning logs. When you're trying to make a more unique object like a space ship, it would be a good idea to add more details and material changes. Right now it looks like you just threw a tiling texture over the whole thing, and it isn't reading well.

    Your website doesn't make sense to me, and there are a lot of thumbnail images on the front page that I can't seem to find anywhere else. I assume that's because it's a work in progress. But yeah, you've already gotten some sound advice for your website, it could use a rework.
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